Template: Sticky

This is a sticky post.

There are a few things to verify:

  • The sticky post should be distinctly recognizable in some way in comparison to normal posts. You can style the .sticky class if you are using the post_class() function to generate your post classes, which is a best practice.
  • They should show at the very top of the blog index page, even though they could be several posts back chronologically.
  • They should still show up again in their chronologically correct postion in time, but without the sticky indicator.
  • If you have a plugin or widget that lists popular posts or comments, make sure that this sticky post is not always at the top of those lists unless it really is popular.


One response to “Template: Sticky”

  1. Laboriosam rerum occaecati est eaque. Quis non ea placeat rerum quia

    Unde placeat libero harum cumque et quia. sit qui labore Est assumenda et rem qui nostrum. et quaerat vel quis earum eos. et illum sed.

    1. Quaerat quia sunt sed ea
    2. Corporis ducimus aut ex
    3. Sint sit sequi omnis qui
    4. Reiciendis ducimus
    5. Cupiditate occaecati

    Veniam deleniti quas accusamus. Et molestias fugit quaerat at dicta ex harum. Libero reiciendis natus vitae

    • Omnis natus excepturi corrupti
    • Quod amet unde rerum eos autem repellat tenetur
    • Sunt aut fuga a in animi tempora nam